Sunday, December 2, 2007

Winter Formal

Sarah had asked a kid to winter formal back in OCT and she was telling us about her fun date she had planned. I then wanted a date but the kid I wanted to ask couldn't go. Kali ended up getting rejected 3 times then ended up with 2 dates. I gave her one of them though.... they went to the "day date" while i stayed home. i wasn't going to go to the dance but they ended up talking me into it. I wasn't in the mood to put on my prom dress so i just put on a cute skirt that was comfy. I went with kali and her date jori( her other date broke his hand during the day date so he didn't go to the dance). At first i just sat there then this kid andy asked me to dance. After that there was no stopping me!!! We had a lot of fun. After that we got home and called joel to come play. We started playing monopoly but i fell asleep during it.