Sunday, October 26, 2008

Golden spoon

For the last 3 week sylvia and i have gone to Golden spoon at least once each week. It is our new tradition!! We are having a compeition to see who can lose the most weight from now til chirstmas. the winner gets a free outfit from the loser! Golden spoon is frozen yogurt so it's not bad for you! its our treat once a week!!

WE love this place! for a regular you get 4 flavors for only $3! its amazing! and we have a buy one get on free coupons so we get 2 regulars for $3! you can't beat that!!!


Misty said...

OMG Krys, this is MY FAVORITE PLACE EVER! I try to go there at least a couple times a month, to get the cake batter/peanut butter cup swirl. :) Have you tried their new pumpkin pie flavor? Tastes just like the pie, minus the crust!