Thursday, November 13, 2008

RAW chicken grosses me out!!!!!!

I've always had a weird thing about raw chicken.. maybe i picked it up from kim... i don't know. I don't eat chicken on the bone. I just can't do it! I always had my mom pick it off so i could eat dinner. You may be thinking... you don't live with your mom.. what do i do? I DON'T MAKE CHICKEN WITH BONE IN IT!!! i always buy boneless chicken.. a little more expensive... soooo worth it!! I'll eat chicken wings.. but only if they have a dark sauce like BBQ but i still can't look at it while i eat it and I leave a lot of chicken on it.

Its so bad, that in high school my bio teacher said we were going to do dissect chicken wings. I was like, hmm i don't do raw chicken so i'll just watch. He pulled it out and was showing us how the joint worked and i almost threw up!!! I couldn't even handle watching him touch it, let a lone cut it open!! GROSS!! (i'll cut up and touch cow, rat, pig, look at cadavers, just not raw chicken!!)

wondering where this is leading?!?! Today was my first day working at frys! So far i like it, but guess what my one of my first jobs was today?!

i had to get the whole chicken (the ones for the roisterer) and put my hand inside, pull out the fat, the grab a leg, poke a hole through the skin with my thumb, stick a leg in, then cross the other leg to tie them together! I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO DIE! it was hard for me to touch it at first but i just thought about tying a shoe so it wasn't bad. Some at the end i couldn't keep the shoe in my head and could just see the chickens. I was SOOO happy when i finished!!!

THEN i had to clean the breasts, thighs, legs and wings. when ever i touched the bones i would gag! it was sooooo gross. I thought by the end of doing it, i could handle the raw chicken and maybe even start buying the chicken with the bone to cook with (since it is cheaper) BUT NO! i will forever HATE chicken on the bone and i'm sure i will never get over it!!!!!!!!!!!!!