Sunday, April 20, 2008

I'm 20!

Another year has come and gone. I am no longer a teenager! 20 years old. 2 decades! wow...

i remember when i was little, cable only has 100 channels.. now there or at least 600including all the movies channels.

I remember when i was little and cell phones were big and ugly and only rich people had them... now they come in all shapes sizes and colors and everyone has one.. including joel's 8 year old brother!!

I remember when saturday had really really cool cartoons now all the shows are lame.

I remember when Aladdin came out.. and scared the poop out of me... now they have shows like Meet the Robinsons... which made me laugh out loud!! No more hand drawings for Disney movies.

I remember when i would tag along with my sisters and bro and try and do everything they did.... well i guess that's still the same =]

I remember living at home and getting excited that i got $5 to spend on candy... well getting $5 and spending that on candy is still the same (thanks grandma!) but the living at home is different.

I remember going to Barcelona and playing on the playgroud.. now i go to college and have to take really hard tests.

I remember thinking boys were little and that i could beat them at anything and that they were ugly... now they are HUGE always beat me at everything.. and really really cute!!!

crazy to think that in the next 10 years of life there will be soo many different things different in my life.. Don't you just love growing up??? i know i do!!!!!!

THANKS to everyone for making my brithday special!!!