Thursday, September 4, 2008


Thats right, my scholarship was transfered to Chandler-Gilbert Community college and i get to take classes this semester!! i was so very excited.

Right now i'm only taking 9 credits cuz thats all i could get into. Next semseter i plan to go to ASU and take a semester there.

I'm still waiting to start work at the arena

I'm happy, every thing is going great!!!


Misty said...

Yeah, I am happy for you Krystal, and glad that you followed your heart and came home if that is where you thought it was where you were supposed to be. I will still be at ASU next semester, so maybe I will see you around! :)

Kim's just sayin' said...

gosh I feel better now that you are in school. that was my biggest concern about your decision. (I know like it matters what the big sis thinks!!) but take it from someone who knows if you stop you just may never go back!!! :(