Friday, October 19, 2007

pranks =]

My roommates never sleep at night.. only in the morning and afternoons. ME i go to bed by 11 unless joel makes me watch a movie in which i always fall sleep. My roommates on one of their 2 o'clock in the morning boredness deiced they wanted to pull a prank on these boys Morgan and Spencer. They both have white trucks so they bought oreos and made the trucks look like dalmations. IT was really funny! Morgan knew sarah was apart of it and this girl that lives above us. So to get the girl upstairs morgan put a HUGE pile of dirt behind her car so we wouldn't be able to leave in the morning. PARKING stinks here! it's always packed!! At about 2 that day see was able to get her car out by inching her way away from the dirt. The dirt was there for like 3 days. We told morgan he had to do something to clean it cuz it was taking one of the prime parking spots. (not that it effects me with not having a car but my roommates didn't like it) Yesterday i was sitting in the living room when i heard a weird noise. I went outside and morgan was in a tracker moving the dirt!! HAHAH you gotta love small towns!! WHO HAS A TRACKER?????