Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Thats right i am now the owner of P90X! So far i love it! I started the day i got it, last tuesday, and have been sore ever since. Uncle kevin bought a pull up bar so I get to do everything in all the disks. I'm not doing so well following the diet plan. I'm just going to try the eat healthy route and see if that works. Yes. i did take the before picture, but i still look like the before pic so i wont be posting that until i don't look like that any more =] I'm sticking to the program the whole 90 days so we'll see what results from it!!!


Misty said...

Hey Krys! I've been dying to try that P90X, everyone is talking about it! Did Kim end up burning a copy for you? I was thinking I might ask if she would be willing to do that for me, I'd pay the costs of course...