Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sundance is very sick

This is going to be long.. but i promise it's entertaing but has a sad ending

I headed out to my aunt sandie's on friday since i didn't have school and had to work at 1. I thought i'd go and talk to my bro.

We left so i could get home for work and as we were getting ready to turn at the light my car stalled. I thought it was weird since i stall maybe twice a year. I tried turning it on and nothing happened. The car behind us was blaring on his horn, The radio was cranked up and i couldn't tell if the car was turning on or not. I turned off the radio turned on my blinking hazard lights and waited for the annoying car behind to go around me. The car still didn't turn on. I got out and check my oil and water. it was good. I just put oil in it on monday. Garrettt called aunt sandie and i called dad. Some guy drove up and and asked me to turn it on and said it sounded like a fuel pump. BY this time a moving truck like car showed up and saw that we needed help so he got out to help.

We had to push sundance back to the house which wasn't too far. I was talking to dad on the phone, trying to push my car and steer at the same time. I found out that when pushing your car to leave your keys in otherwise your wheel will (hehe that sounds funny) lock up and you wont be able to turn it. Once we got it headed back to the house garrett and i started pushing it and the moving truck guy followed in his car and aunt sandie in hers. We got it going and started to go down hill. I jumped into the car so i could steer and garrett was running behind it... he wasn't wearing tight enough shoes and his feet caught and he fell and rolled into the dirt. thankfully aunt sandie retrieved him and they followed along. You must remember that i am on the phone with dad trying to explain whats going on and i'm wearing flip flops. the car slowed down and i saw a hill approching so i figured i should jump out and keep the cars motion in order to make it up the hill. my estimation of the cars speed, my lack of control of steering and my shoes not being right and trying to talk on the phone all resulted in me falling and rolling in the street and sundance jumping the curve, I had i jump up fast to get back into sundance and press the breaks before she ran into a wall.

Thankfully people were walking and came to help push it back into the street.. the man who had been helping the whole time came to help push.. and a bunch of men going by in a truck came to help us push. We got it over the curve then had to push it up the hill and back to aunt sandies.

We made it back to the house and had to rush to meet aunt marsha half way since i was going to be late for work!!!

Sundance is still sick since i had to work today as well. Hopefully we will be able to get her into a shop and fixed very soon!!!

The only injuries were scraped knees and a hands and a bruised arm.


Kim's just sayin' said...

WOW THAT'S A GREAT STORY. I don't know what's better, you falling or Garrett. I sure wish someone was video taping all of that. Hope the car gets fixed soon. it stinks to be without a car.