Thursday, September 17, 2009

Funiture Double

My roommate stephaine bought a new table and we had to wait til bruce got off at 9:30 to go pick it up. I set her up with logan, a friend of mine and bruces, so she wouldn't have to listen to me and bruce all night. We picked him up and thankfully we did cuz bruce was a tad cranky from working all day and i had to be nice and play with him so logan and stephanie tackled putting together the chairs which took them til about 1 am to finish.

can you say poor YSA? lol i made soup and grilled cheese for every one cuz it was fast and easy.
We watched the office while we worked.. well one episode then we had to stop cuz we didn't have the remote to put on the next one lol

stephaine looking for some tools in the laundry room
My job was putting the table together.. i did it the fastest but we had to take the legs off cuz i put in the wrong screws.. but other than that i did a good job.I make dinner every night for bruce and stephanie and this night logan, bruce was nice enough to do the dishes so i could help put the table together

Stephanie just had to have this table! She hated the one we had! it was not comfortable and it wobbled tons!
trying out the new table! It looks so much better then the one we had before!
Stephanie loves this table lots!
We only have a table and love sac so logan had to sit on the floor after the fun ended...

ALL in all it was a fun night!