Saturday, November 3, 2007

Service baby oh service!!

SOOO today i went to my first service project up here. we met at the church and i got a ride since sarah had to work and kali is in mexico. I met this girl who played with me the rest of the day THANK GOODNESS! we drove out to bonita ( yeah that a city in AZ!!!) with like 6 other guys we didn't know. We were picking chillies! We got there at 10:15 and picked chillies all day. My arms and hands have cuts all over them. I filled up 16 ten gallon buckets of chillies from 10:15 to 3:45 with an hour break for lunch. LUNCH was good.. we had chilli!!! heheeh we thought it was funny.. we also got a little CHILLY sitting in the shade hahaahh =]

It was tons of fun and i'm glad i went! I made new friends, got to serve others, and now i know how to pick chillies. The guy who owned the place kept complimenting me and kept telling every one i was pro at picking them. He was a cute old guy!!