Wednesday, November 28, 2007

surprise party!

A few Sunday's ago us girls were sitting at the table hanging out when there came a knock on the door. I answered it and it was our friends Casey and his fiance (sp?). Casey lives in apartment 101 with preston ryan and jordan. Those are the boys we go to for EVERYTHING!!! Ryan is one of our home teachers and Casey is the "PA" of our family home evening group. I have public speaking with preston and Jordan is just funny! We are all good friends. Well Casey was going around to all the apartments telling everyone that it was Jordan's birthday and to come say hi if we had time. Sarah was like oooo lets make him a cake. Kali, who loves to bake, said YAY and started looking through ALL her recipe books for a cake. Casey was like ooo cool that's nice of you, Jordan was talking about making him own cake so that will be good. Then sarah had the big idea of throwing him a surprise birthday party. We had random party stuff for some reason and kali and i were hyper so we were all excited about that idea. So we told casey to spread the word and after the fireside we'd have everyone come over to our place and have a party. Kali set away with making the cake. I picked up the apartment and got to decorating. Sarah had another big idea of using Fondant frosting. So we had to find a recipe to make some fondant. The girls stayed home from the fireside to finish the cake while i went by myself ( it was WAY WAY WAY good). Then i booked it home afterwards to make sure everything was set. half an hour later people started strolling it. WE had like 50 ppl crammed into out tiny apartment. Jordan was way surprised! it was HUGE hit!!!