Sunday, August 10, 2008

Did you watch the opening ceremonies!!??

I think that this year was by far the GREATEST opening ceremonies!!! I loved every minute of it!! I liked LED scroll!! The dancers that painted a picture of the mountains and sea was very amazing!!! I LOVED the 2,008 ( i didn't get that until i wrote it down.. 2,008 people, year 2008 get it haah) guys doing the count down and the drums. VERY COOL.

I was disappointed in the USA wardrobe. I think they could have done something better then what they had on.

Thankfully my sister called and reminded that i didn't see the end with the lighting of the torch so i ran back down to turn it on.. and i watched as China came in..

Did you hear about the little boy next to that BIG basketball player?? There was an earthquake awhile back in China and this little boys class had 27 of the kids killed. He got out of the ruble and went back to help save 2 of his classmates. they later asked him why he went back and he said " i'm a class leaders. i'm on the hall monitors. Its my job to help them."

That was the greatest story i have ever heard!! The fact that a 9 year old knew this job and was willing to help others, is amazing!! I look up to that little kid!!!

The lighting of the torch was also very fun to watch!!!