Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The dating scene

So the whole mark thing didn't work out... i was kind of sad but i got what i needed out of that.. to get over joel. I also got to be like my sister kerri and date an older guy haha =]

Now i'm on to new and better people! Have you ever heard me say that i wanted to marry my friend bruce cuz of his last name? I would be Krystal Balls! how cool is that??!!? I met bruce when i turned 18 and started going to the young single adult ward. I was dating joel at the time and bruce, brad, and brian (the 3 b's what we called them) were in my ward and we all hung out and played volleyball that summer. that was one of the funnest summers! joel and i broke up before he was leaving for school and that week Bruce asked me out. I said no thanks and then we kind didn't talk any more after that and joel and i got back together. Bruce then went on a mission to Brazil and got home this Oct. He texted when he got home and then we never hung out. I invited him to a couple of stuff but nothing really happened. I invited him to my birthday party and he came and ended up being the only guy there. My friend k8e then invited him to come over the following friday and play video games with us.

He came over that friday and we went to applebee's instead. Thats when the past got brought up. We explained what happend to katie and got to talk about why things never worked out for us. Then sat after my run and the zoo i went over to go swimming at his parent's house. His roommate and a girl came and played with us. I got to meet his family again and then i went over to granny's for bit while he went to his friends wedding. I went back over and we watched the movie Big! SO cute! i loved it! that night just happened to be our first kiss too =]

Sunday night syl invited us over to her house for dinner with clif and her roommate and her date. we ate and played catch phrase then watched the count of monte cristo. bruce and i stayed and talked for awhile... and now we are dating =]


Kerri said...

cool! keep us posted... before you get too serious, make sure he's ok with living in colorado!

Kim's just sayin' said...

oh krys you crack me up. stop kissing guys on the first date. I feel like a protective big sis again... didn't we talk about this guy after your party. is he the one the girls were in love with?!?! I just can't keep up with you and the boy thing. :) I'm happy you are dating a RM though... :)

Jennifer said...

Krystal Balls! Think of the blog design that could be.