Sunday, May 17, 2009


Q? What does 61 hours in the tutoring room plus all the other hours studying get you?


I passes both my anatomy and microbiology class with a B!!!!! I am oooooh so happy about it. I worked my tail off for both of those B's.. Uncle kevin said.. a B is good? miss straight A student id excited over a B?? YES I AM!!!!!!! i really thought i was failing all semester.. and i'm pretty sure i was... but i pulled out with a B!! this was by far the hardest semester of my LIFE! and i realized it... its just going to get harder. It is worth it though.. maybe if i had more then 61 hours i could have got an A! but with work that was not possible! i'm happy though!!!


Kerri said...

how many of those hours were flirting? j/k good job!

Hebner Happenings said...

we are so very proud of you!