Monday, March 24, 2008


around the start of the semester joel went on a double date with his friend landon from work. I wasn't in town yet so landon set up a blind date. They went shooting. ever since then joel has fallen in love with going out and shooting the guns. Landon wanted to go on dates every weekend so joel said that we would go with them whenever he wanted. One weekend (ground hogs day to be exact) we had a date planned. I was excited cuz i thought i was going to get to go shoot the guns. NOPE i got to go on the lame date of dinner and movie.. we watched ground hogs day.

ever since then i've wanted to go but landon stopped asking girls on dates each weekend. joel would still go out with him and shoot every once in awhile but i wasn't invited.

So finally i just asked landon myself. He said he would take me out. so we went after class on thursday. We went out to where they always go, about 15 mins out of town. They had clay pigons to shoot. I had never done that before. An landon had shoot guns which i'm not really familair with either. I was able to shoot one of the clay pigons which made me happy. I couldn't get the little thing that flings them to do it though. BUt it was a lot of fun!!!